Sunday, November 25, 2012

I am Weak, but Thou Art Strong!

Earlier this week I was feeling discouraged....  It seemed like I was being bombarded by bad news from every direction!  So many people around me are facing horrible situations and tough battles.  This week I've talked with several people with major family problems, a couple that lost their child due to an accident, and it made me feel so weak that I cannot change their circumstances!

So, I began to be discouraged because of my powerlessness!  I felt like I was not being successful in this battle against evil because I could not help these people in their situations.  Okay, so looking back it sounds foolish, I know. (: Don't judge me!  I have issues with being a control freak.  I want to fix things.

Okay, so here's what God gave me in my discouragement: Haggai (and a California pastor's study of it)

Rebuilding the Church:

So you say, "What does rebuilding the church have to do with these hurting people in my life?"

I say, "Everything!"  We are the church!

My epiphany in this situation goes back to a quote that I have clung to for years. "Christianity is not a religion, it is a relationship!"

Building or rebuilding a church has little to do with the number of services, events or programs.  A church that it filled with the Spirit and the Glory of God is one where relationships are the priority over programs.  Relationships between the membership and God, as well as, relationships among the people.

So, how can I help these people that God has put in my life?  Be there for them!  Listen, pray, be silent, give encouragement and biblical counsel when the Spirit guides.  Then let God do the rest.  He's a whole lot better at fixing things than me! :)

Casting Crowns sing it well in Love Them Like Jesus:

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